Saturday, October 16, 2010

So many thoughts and yet no understanding...

Hey there!!
I am finally someplace where I have the internet AND the time to blog. Oddly enough that place is down in Jackson again. Thankfully though, nothing has happened to my car (which is especially great because I have my parents' nice car).

I wanted to just give an update on what's going on now-a-days. I may or may not repeat some things from my last blog. Alright, here goes nothing...

Currently I am jobless and slowly running out of money. lol, don't worry, it gets better.
For the past couple of weeks, I have been volunteering at my dad's clinic to get trained as a Medical Assistant. Apparently there was either some miscommunication or just plain old NO communication at the clinic, so the girls (the nurses) didn't know that I was suppose to be trained as a Medical Assistant (MA). One of them actually thought that I was job-shadowing.... for many days...
As result of that, the schedule has shifted around a bit and I'm taking a most welcome break while certain things are communicated. Started next week, I will be going to the Evergreen Clinic in West Branch, MI on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to be trained and I will be going to work with my dad in Grayling on Fridays so that I can receive some more one-on-one training. Technically after 100 hours of training I can work as an MA, but I think I'm going to have to start over. I wouldn't consider the hours that I have put in to be really good training.... I think I sat around a lot because there wasn't really anything I could do....
Anyways, thankfully my dad is starting to pay me $40 for every day that I volunteer so that I can still pay my rent. It is a low rent, but it is still difficult when you don't have a job.

Besides that kind of training, my brother-in-law pays me to clean his rig out every weekend. It's great for me and it's good for him because he's a truck-driver and that rig is his home for the entire week. Another thing that might be developing is that I might start working at our local hardware store for 1 day a week because they need some short term help and I have connections there. lol, that really just means that I go to church with a couple of the workers and the manager of the store is my neighbor and I have baby-sat for her little boy. hahaha...

ummmm....... oh!

I have also started to take more responsibilities at my church. I have started to put together and lead some of the worship services for Sundays. That pretty much just means that I pick out the music we will sing and try to organize some singers and instrumentalists. The focus of the worship leaders is to try and facilitate an environment that makes it easier for the congregation to have a worship-focused mindset during church.... or at least, I try to keep it as my focus...
I have led the music for one week... it was interesting. I think it went well but I was a little nervous. All things considered, it DEFINITELY could have gone worse.
Another of my responsibilities is to put together the Powerpoint for the service. A lot of people have left the worship rotations, so we have very few people to help with music and all the technical stuff to go with it. If you could pray for that, that would be wonderful. At the moment, there is really only 1 high school young lady that has been doing the Powerpoint. It's wearing her out. All that to say, those of us who are on the Worship Team are stretched out thin.

I also have been living with 2 girls from home. I have moved my room to the upstairs so I am sort of having to move-in all over again. It's been good. If you could pray for me concerning my interactions with my house-mates. There are a few things that are not going well and I believe that I am going to have to talk with them about those things.

so I am worded out. I will leave off here with a summarized prayer request. :)

~ that the hardware job with pull through and work out with my interesting schedule
~ that my training will actually start happening so that I can start working as an hired MA
~ that I will be able to start saving up again to go to KCC for a Nursing degree
~ that I will be able to save enough up to go to school AND pay off my loan debts
~ that I will have the energy to keep up with all of my responsibilities
~ I will be diligent in getting into the Word
~ I will keep God as my first and highest focus
~ I will get answers for a lot of relational questions

Thank you all.