Saturday, November 20, 2010


As of late, I believe God has been pointing my mind towards the inside...  I've been looking at myself--my reflection, if you will--and analyzing myself.  I've been looking at myself and wondering what exactly am I doing?  Am I really truly living my life for Christ?  Or am I just acting like it...going through the motions?
I had a very similar conversation with my friend, Comment, where I said those exact words, "going through the motions" and do you know what she said to me?  Of course you don't! You weren't there. lol.  She said, "Have you ever heard that song?"  haha I sat there thinking, "whaaaaat in the world is she talking about??"  It turns out that there is a song by Matthew West called "The Motions" which talks about just that.  It really hits the mark on some of the things I have been thinking about.  Have a listen....

: ) God really has been using my friends to get my thinking going (whether they knew it or not).  My other friend, Grace, put a video up on her blog by Brian Mosley called "What is a Trader."  It was really great... really thought provoking.  I had to go back and watch it a second time a few days later.

I started looking at other videos he had made and one really slapped me in the face.  It's called "History of Traders".  I posted that video on the entry just before this one.  If you haven't watched it and you're reading this, GO WATCH IT!! If you have watched it and are reading this, Good Job!! (goed zo!!) GO WATCH IT AGAIN!!! : ) in Christian love, of course.

It's one thing to live in a 3 story building with 300+ people who are most likely Christians, it's something completely different to live out in the world where you never know what's going to happen... I for one am having to take a step back and analyze the life I am living now and decide whether I am really living my life for Christ, or if I have fallen away and am hiding that fact from those around me who look to keep me accountable.

Am I putting my faith into action?

History of Traders -

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You think you know....

You think you know.  You do, really.
People go through their lives thinking assuming things like if they take care of their bodies, eat right, exercise, take their vitamins, they will live looong and fruitful lives. Right? Not quite.

I don't know about you, but I don't go through my daily life reminding myself that I could die in the next 5 seconds.  It sounds morbid, I know, but it is true.  I am not in control of my life. Do you want to know who is? Yahweh is, Jehovah is, I AM is, The one true God!  He has many names, but there is just one God who is He.

It is a comfort to me to think that He is in control of my life, but to be absolutely sincere, it scares the crap out of me that I could die in the next few hours.  In my sleep...choking on a chocolate covered caramel popcorn....someone could even break into our house trying to rob us!  It causes me to think about whether I have done everything that I absolutely could have to further the reach of the gospel... to help build up the Body of have lived in such a way that means I have been a light in the midst of the darkness....

What is brought to my mind is a story in Matthew 25 of the 10 virgins who go out to meet the Bridegroom.  They all bring oil lamps with them but only 5 of them bring extra oil.  After waiting and waiting, the bridegroom is finally on the approach, but the 5 who didn't bring extra oil were running low.  They tried to get more from the others only to be refused, for the 5 who brought extra did not have enough for themselves and to share.  The foolish five went off to buy more oil, but the bridegroom arrived while they were gone!  The prudent 5 went inside to the feast with the bridegroom and the foolish ones were left outside.

The question going through my mind is: Am I walking down my path as a prudent Christian or am I just walking around with my head up in the clouds?   If Christ returns or calls me home...would I be ready?  Would I be worthy of being called a good and faithful servant?

The inspiration for this post is my close and dear friend, Kelli.  Her uncle passed away today from a sudden heart-attack.  Even though he made it to the hospital after someone immediately administered CPR, he still passed as he was being transferred to another hospital.  Praise God that he was a believer, but this is a seriously hard time for the family.  If you would pray for them, I would be grateful.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Guess what!!!!

So what's the normal responsible thing that one would think a 20 year old person would do?

Work or School


I graduated from Fairview High School in 2008 and graduated from New Tribes Bible Institute in 2010.  I'm DONE with school!!!

As of today, I am now a student at Kirtland Community College majoring in Nursing. 
Yes, thank you, thank you.  No need to applaud. haha just kidding!!!
I haven't decided yet whether it's a great thing or not yet.

My schedule currently stands thus:
                 Tuesday:        English Comp I  -->   8:30 AM- 10:00 AM
                                        Chemistry    -->         10:00 AM- 11:30 AM
                                        Chem. Lab  -->         12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
                                        Int. Algebra -->         3:00 PM- 5:00 PM
                                        Writing Lab -->         6:00 PM- 8:00 PM

                 Thursday:      English Comp I  -->   8:30 AM- 10:00 AM
                                        Chemistry    -->         10:00 AM- 11:30 AM
                                        Int. Algebra -->         3:00 PM- 5:00 PM

What do you think?

Well, thus is my newest and most exciting news! : )  Happy Veterans Day!! ; )

P.S. Britany is coming home!!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Who do I think I am??

I want to know exactly that. Who in the world do I think I am??
Sitting in church today, listening to people talk, I realized (not for the first time) that I am a selfish person. Let me explain to you the road of my revelation...

I realized that I was picking one or two things to focus all of my time and efforts on. While that could very well be considered a good thing, I don't think that it is so if I am shutting out all other things. I could be helping so many other people!! But I've been ignoring their needs because I'm too focused on what I want to do!! Oy vey!!

"The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it? I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds." ~~ Jeremiah 17:9-10

Praise God that He is faithful, even in the midst of my sins He loves me and grows me.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"We're not talking to a brick wall when we pray--we're talking to Someone who really listens."


What do you think of when this subject is breached?

A way to get what you want? The thing you're suppose to do when you're feeling guilty? confession? Something that you think might be significant but don't really pay much attention to?
Or is it an important part of your life? The one way to talk one-on-one with your God?

Prayer is the one way to come before your God in His throne room. It is the way to communicate with our Heavenly Father on a one-on-one basis and grow in our relationship with Him to a more intimate relationship.
I personally believe that my prayer life is one of the few things that make the difference in my life of me being "stagnant water" and a "creek growing into a stream and on"

My issue is remembering what PRAYER is really suppose to be. So where should I go to find out? ; )

Matthew 6:6 --> Pray in solitude as an intimate conversation with my Father, not flaunting the fact around to everyone and their grandma.

Matthew 7:7-8 --> God answers prayers! It is NOT a futile act to ask things of my Father. He hears me and will take care of all my needs. (Note: NEEDS are NOT WANTS!)

Luke 18:1 --> He hears me! I shouldn't give up ever because I think He doesn't hear me or listen to me. I should never stop talking to my Lord.

Romans 12:12 --> I should be devoted in my prayer! Prayer is my means of talking with my Heavenly Father, who loves me. It is the means of growing more intimate in my relationship with Him.

(other references you can look up, if you wish, are Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:-7; Colossians 3:18; 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; 1 Peter 3:12)

"He who has learned how to pray
has learned the greatest secret
of a holy and a happy life."