Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You think you know....

You think you know.  You do, really.
People go through their lives thinking assuming things like if they take care of their bodies, eat right, exercise, take their vitamins, they will live looong and fruitful lives. Right? Not quite.

I don't know about you, but I don't go through my daily life reminding myself that I could die in the next 5 seconds.  It sounds morbid, I know, but it is true.  I am not in control of my life. Do you want to know who is? Yahweh is, Jehovah is, I AM is, The one true God!  He has many names, but there is just one God who is He.

It is a comfort to me to think that He is in control of my life, but to be absolutely sincere, it scares the crap out of me that I could die in the next few hours.  In my sleep...choking on a chocolate covered caramel popcorn....someone could even break into our house trying to rob us!  It causes me to think about whether I have done everything that I absolutely could have to further the reach of the gospel... to help build up the Body of have lived in such a way that means I have been a light in the midst of the darkness....

What is brought to my mind is a story in Matthew 25 of the 10 virgins who go out to meet the Bridegroom.  They all bring oil lamps with them but only 5 of them bring extra oil.  After waiting and waiting, the bridegroom is finally on the approach, but the 5 who didn't bring extra oil were running low.  They tried to get more from the others only to be refused, for the 5 who brought extra did not have enough for themselves and to share.  The foolish five went off to buy more oil, but the bridegroom arrived while they were gone!  The prudent 5 went inside to the feast with the bridegroom and the foolish ones were left outside.

The question going through my mind is: Am I walking down my path as a prudent Christian or am I just walking around with my head up in the clouds?   If Christ returns or calls me home...would I be ready?  Would I be worthy of being called a good and faithful servant?

The inspiration for this post is my close and dear friend, Kelli.  Her uncle passed away today from a sudden heart-attack.  Even though he made it to the hospital after someone immediately administered CPR, he still passed as he was being transferred to another hospital.  Praise God that he was a believer, but this is a seriously hard time for the family.  If you would pray for them, I would be grateful.

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